Kick-start your running with our easy to follow programme and go from couch potato to race-ready in under three months   

We've teamed up with Brooks and expert PT Graeme Hilditch of GH Training to put together a couch to 5K plan aimed at new runners looking to build towards their first 5K race.


The key thing to remember when following a training plan is to use it very much as a guide; never feel compelled to follow it word for word and session for session.


Everyone is very different when it comes to their natural running ability; some people take to it like a duck to water, whilst others take a little longer for their bodies to adapt and adjust to the physical demands - so feel free to adjust any of the sessions in the following plan to suit you. If you find a session way too easy, then feel free to run it a little quicker. Equally, if you find a session to difficult and you find you’re struggling, then it’s ok to walk for a bit or even reduce the duration of the session.


Training should be challenging, but not so challenging that it drains you of every last ounce of energy. And above all, training should be enjoyable, so aim to run for enjoyment and the fitness will follow.


Good luck and run happy!

The Plan

Week No. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 30min quick walk Rest Walk 4min, jog 1min (x4) Rest Walk 4min, jog 1min (x4) Rest Jog 3-5min, walk 3min (x6)
Week 2 30min quick walk Rest Walk 4min, jog 1min (x5) Rest Walk 4min, jog 1min (x5) Rest or 30min quick walk Jog 5-6min, walk 3min (x5)
Week 3 40min quick walk Rest Walk 4min, jog 2-3min (x3) Rest Walk 3min, jog 2-3min (x3) Rest or 30min quick walk Jog 5-8min, walk 3min (x5)
Week 4 40min quick walk Rest Walk 4min, jog 2-3min (x3) Rest Walk 3min, jog 2-3min (x3) Rest or 30min quick walk Jog 5-8min, walk 3min (x5)
Week 5 45min quick walk Rest Walk 3min, jog 2-3min (x5) Rest Walk 2min, jog 3-4min (x4) Rest or 40min quick walk Jog 10-12min, walk 3min (x3)
Week 6 45min quick walk Rest Walk 3min, jog 3-4min (x4) Rest Walk 2min, jog 5-7min (x4) Rest or 40min quick walk Jog 12-15 min, walk 3 min (x2)
Week 7 45min quick walk Rest Walk 3min, jog 4-5min (x5) Rest Walk 2min, jog 6-8min (x4) Rest or 45min quick walk Jog 15min, walk 3min (x2)
Week 8 45min quick walk Rest Walk 3min, jog 4-5min (x4) Rest Walk 2min, jog 8-10min (x3) Rest or 45min quick walk Jog for 20-25min
Week 9 45min quick walk Rest Walk 2min, jog 5min (x5) Rest Walk 2min, jog 10-12min (x3) Rest or 45min quick walk Jog for 20-30min
Week 10 45min quick walk Rest Walk 2min, jog 5min (x5) Rest Walk 2min, jog 10-12min (x3) Rest or 45min quick walk Jog for 30-35min
Week 11 45min quick walk Rest Walk 2min, jog 5min (x5) Rest Walk 2min, jog 3-4min (x5) Rest or 45min quick walk Jog for 35-40min
Week 12 30min quick walk Rest Walk 2min, jog 5min (x3) Rest Walk 2min, jog 3-4min (x3) Rest or 30min quick walk Run 5k!

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